10.17 2.5 miles warm up. Watch died and I still did 4 by 1200's at the track with 400 meter recovery jog. I have no idea about my times, but I felt strong. The higher mileage I have been doing I believe has strengthened me a bit. 2.5 miles cool down.
10 miles total.
10.18 12 miles total. First mile in 6:29, first five in 30:54, and then for the next 7 miles I alternated running fast for a quarter mile at about 75 seconds with running at six minute pace for 3/4 of a mile. Last 7 miles were in 40:29. Total time was 71:23. I felt very strong.
10.19 7 miles treadmill.
10.20 OFF
10.21 5 miles easy
10.22 5 miles with about a mile of strides.
10.23 17 miles in 1:50:43. First 11.75 in 81:24. Last 5.25 in 29:19 with splits of 5:24, 5:35, 5:35, 5:40, 5:44, 81 second last quarter. My goal was to average between 5:45 and 6:00. Im very pleased. Ssecond longest run of my life and I felt very strong at the end, but I did feel lactic acid building up big time the last mile!
56 miles total for the week with 2 excellent workouts and a decent speed workout. Time to toally recover before the Great Bay 5k.
A blog about existence and running and one man's futile attempt to integrate the two.

As a youth, I ran, yet I did not exist in a sense. 19 years passed. Today, I exist in one sense because I must run. Perhaps I run to escape the futility of my existence. Perhaps not. In either case, this blog, or whatever it is, will serve to chronicle my training as a runner, my development as a man, and ultimately my demise as a human, because all things pass, fade, retreat into the horizon--and while we run, as we run, the mirage that is the shimmering, glimmering future continues to assert itself just out of reach. And yet, as this picture up above connotes, it may still be beautiful. And so the question may be what is IT? What is it? What is IT?
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