4.4 10 miles treadmill (2% incline) in 70 minutes.
4.5 10 miles treadmill (2% incline) in 73 minutes.
4.6 12 miles outside in 82:16. I felt just horrible for this run. Clearly, I am going to use this week as a recovery week. I'm simply burnt.
4.7 10 miles outside around new castle in 78 minutes. Beautiful run and I just took it slow and easy--just what the Dr. ordered.
4.8 5 miles (AM) easy outside 38:22. 10 miles PM outside in 72 minutes.
My left hip has been hurting for a couple weeks, so I have been forced to go easier this week. Each day, I feel a little better, so I have decided to just run easy this week and have a decent mileage week--a hybrid recovery week of sorts.
4.9 10 miles AM outside in 71:40. I started out running with my youngest son, Duncan, who rode his bike. First 5 miles in about 38:20 and then I ran alone and did the last 5 miles in 33:20 with about the same effort--just faster leg turnover. My hip is feeling better.
10 mile Progression Run outside pm in 62:12. I started out slow and sort of just starting to pick it up without even planning on it. My hip felt much better. The eighth mile had a huge nearly half mile long hill, so that mile was a bit slower. Hills throughout this run by the way.
Splits were 6:54, 6:59, 6:50, 6:20, 6:07, 6:00, 5:53, 6:03, 5:34, 5:32.
20 miles total for the day. This is turning out to be a pretty solid week and last night's run was solid given my weekly mileage thus far. I think going slow and long this week has been beneficial.
4.10 7 miles (AM) outside in 53:16. I felt good. 6 miles outside in early afternoon in 42:40. 11 miles outside early evening in 75 minutes or so.
24 miles for today!
101 miles for the week--mostly slow running, but a nice run yesterday and I had a chance to tinker with my form and battle through what for me is a by far the highest number of miles I have ever run in a week. My previous record was 85 miles.
A blog about existence and running and one man's futile attempt to integrate the two.

As a youth, I ran, yet I did not exist in a sense. 19 years passed. Today, I exist in one sense because I must run. Perhaps I run to escape the futility of my existence. Perhaps not. In either case, this blog, or whatever it is, will serve to chronicle my training as a runner, my development as a man, and ultimately my demise as a human, because all things pass, fade, retreat into the horizon--and while we run, as we run, the mirage that is the shimmering, glimmering future continues to assert itself just out of reach. And yet, as this picture up above connotes, it may still be beautiful. And so the question may be what is IT? What is it? What is IT?
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