3.28 9 miles treadmill at 2% incline in 58:50.
3.29 8 miles treadmill at 2% incline in 60 minutes.
3.30 15 mile run outside looping around New Castle twice in 88:39 (5:54 pace). Honestly, I just started out at a brisk pace and said to myself that whatever pace I was running half a mile in would be what I wanted to average for the whole run. Splits were: First mile in 6:07, first 3 in 18:03, 6 in 35:51, 9 in 53:36, first 12 in 71:15, last 3 were in 17:24.
I felt relaxed and only started to feel it in my legs the last mile. This was a nice one. I would not consider it a tempo run, because it did not feel terribly uncomfortable.
3.31 3 miles am easy. 8 miles PM on treadmill (2% incline) in 52:50.
4.1 6.5 miles treadmill (2% incline) 50 minutes. I felt a little sluggish this morning. 5.5 miles outside PM in 38:22.
4.2 5 miles outside AM in 34:47. 10 miles outside PM in 70 minutes.
4.3 11 miles total on treadmill at 2% incline. 2.5 miles warm up. 6 by 1 mile repeats with 200 meter recovery jog (1:10). Splits were 5:14, 5:13, 5:11, 5:11, 5:10, 5:09, which equates to track times of 5:09, 5:08, 5:06, 5:06, 5:06, 5:05. 1.75 cool down.
This was very intense and it destroyed a workout I did back in February where I took a full 400 meter recovery. My times then were 5:19, 5:19, 5:17, 5:16, 5:14, 5:10--all of which equated to 5:14, 5:14, 5:12, 5:11, 5:09, 5:06 on a track.
So--I was roughly 4.5 seconds faster with half the rest. I was running on fumes the last two, as I am finishing up several high mileage weeks in a row.
It's been 20 weeks since the half marathon and I have stepped up my training in a very real way.
My goal heading into this racing season is to get close to 15 minutes flat for a 5k and break 32 minutes for a 10k. I'd like to think these are realistic goals, but I wont know until I start to race!
81 miles for the week.
A blog about existence and running and one man's futile attempt to integrate the two.

As a youth, I ran, yet I did not exist in a sense. 19 years passed. Today, I exist in one sense because I must run. Perhaps I run to escape the futility of my existence. Perhaps not. In either case, this blog, or whatever it is, will serve to chronicle my training as a runner, my development as a man, and ultimately my demise as a human, because all things pass, fade, retreat into the horizon--and while we run, as we run, the mirage that is the shimmering, glimmering future continues to assert itself just out of reach. And yet, as this picture up above connotes, it may still be beautiful. And so the question may be what is IT? What is it? What is IT?
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