8.30 OFF
8.31 7.5 miles total (47:23). I tried to add some speed to this workout and see if my legs recovered at all from that blasted 21 miler and 14 miles last Saturday and Sunday, respectively. I think I am pleased. I got a GPS watch delivered today and tested it out--it was amazing!
1st mile in 6:08, 2nd mile in 5:45; 3rd mile I slowed down to 6:38; then 4th mile in 5:33; I then jogged half a mile in 3:29 and then alternated 400s fast with 400s slower--my fast 400s were 80, 78, 81, and then 87(mostly uphill); last 1.25 miles in 8:43. By that last 400, I was pretty beat.
Overall, I think this was a solid workout given the heat and all and the fact there were some hills on this run. My first 4 miles were in 24:04 and I felt pretty good. I am hopeful I have recovered some zip in my legs.
9.1 7.5 miles in 49:51 (6:39 pace)
9.2 Off My legs just feel tired. I think I may have over-did it this summer in terms of mileage.
9.3 9 miles (AM) in 69:22. 1st 3 miles in 23:16, next 3 in 26:22 (with my son); last 3 miles in 19:44. 6 miles PM--6:31, 6:31, 6:26, 6:23, 6:18, 5:45. I felt ok today.
9.4 6 miles very easy in 49:45.
9.5 8 miles (AM) in 55:33 7:30, 7:02, 6:52, 6:56, 6:52, 6:58, 6:52, 6:30. My legs are finally feeling much better. I am glad I cut down my mileage, but still keeping it a respectable 45 to 50 per week.
7 miles (PM) 1.25 mile warm up, then 1 mile in 4:55 (400 meter recovery); 800 in 2:26 (400m recovery); 800 in 2:23 (400m recovery); 4 by 400s with 200m recoveries at 69, 69, 70,69. 1.5 mile cool down. Man--I am psyched--first time I broke 5 minutes in a mile since I was 17. I have been cutting down my mileage a bit to get my leg strength back--and man, it seems to be back! I did the same exact workout on 8.9 and did it in 5:07; 2:28, 2:30; 72, 71, 71, 71. So this is a vast improvement!
51 miles total
A blog about existence and running and one man's futile attempt to integrate the two.

As a youth, I ran, yet I did not exist in a sense. 19 years passed. Today, I exist in one sense because I must run. Perhaps I run to escape the futility of my existence. Perhaps not. In either case, this blog, or whatever it is, will serve to chronicle my training as a runner, my development as a man, and ultimately my demise as a human, because all things pass, fade, retreat into the horizon--and while we run, as we run, the mirage that is the shimmering, glimmering future continues to assert itself just out of reach. And yet, as this picture up above connotes, it may still be beautiful. And so the question may be what is IT? What is it? What is IT?
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