8.16 11 miles total. This was a brutal workout after a race on saturday and a run that evening and then 15 miles yesterday. I wanted to do this workout today, though, to push through my lactic acid build-up. 8 by 1000 meter repeats with a 400m recovery jog (2:20). 3:15; 3:12; 3:13; 3:13; 3:15; 3:12; 3:15; 3:13. 2 miles warm up and 2 miles cool down with strides. I averaged about 3:16 3 weeks ago with the same workout and an extra 10 seconds in my recoveries, so this was at 3:13.5 and I was dead essentially after the 4th one. I'm pleased, but now need to take it slightly easy--at least for today!!
8.17 9.5 miles in 68 minutes. This felt fairly easy and I am glad I resisted the temptation to do any sprinting of any kind. I need to stick to the program and occasionally just go out for an easy run. This was at slightly slower than 7 minutes per mile pace and it felt like I was walking. I sense my easy training pace is slowly getting faster and faster.
8.18 8.5 miles total in 55:38. First 2 miles were in 14:11 (7:05 mile pace); I then ran harder for 5 minutes which turns was .85 of a mile (5:53 pace); I then ran 1.8 miles in about 13:08 (roughly 7:17 mile pace); I then picked it up for the next 1.8 miles in 10:34, which is about 5:50/mile pace; I then ran the last 2 miles in 12:45 at about 6:22 mile pace. I liked this workout and simply ran harder between roads I could remember so I could then map it out later using gmap pedometer. I felt smooth the entire time even though I rolled my ankle kind of hardcore yesterday. I felt no pain though. Beautiful sunset while I was running too.
8.19 8 miles total--Before I explain this workout, I want to say this was a killer workout and I pounded my expectations. I did 2 by 2800meter supersets with what I planned to be the first 400 at 20 seconds per mile than my current 5k pace, the next 800m at 5k pace followed by the last 1600 at estimated half marathon pace. My goal was to do 74; 2:38; 5:52: total time of 9:44. Between each super set I'd jog 800 meters (4:15).
Here is what I actually did. 74; 78,77 (2:35); 88,86,87,84 (5:45) for a total time of 9:33. 800m jog (4:15) and then 72; 76,75 (2:31); 87,86,83,78 (5:34) for a total time of 9:17. 2 miles warm up and cool down. Even though my ankle hurts from rolling it the other day it does not hurt when I run. In either case, by taking off a couple days from sprint work, I felt refreshed today and am very pumped. I believe with better pacing in the beginning of a race, I could break 16 minutes for a 5k right now. I am so thankful I am not too old to go after my dream of breaking my high school records. I am going to continue to train hard, because in my next race I want to break 26:30 for 5 miles and I believe I can do it.
8.20 Off
8.21 21 miles in 2 hours 30 minutes. I ran at a comfortable pace and it turns out was about 7:08 to 7:10 a mile. Longest run of my life ever.
8.22 11 miles AM. 1st 2 miles at 7:20 pace, next 3.5 in 6:44 pace, next 2.5 in 6:50 pace; last 3 in 6:08 pace. Solid run.
3 miles pm on treadmill at 6.5% grade. 23:46.
72 miles for week
A blog about existence and running and one man's futile attempt to integrate the two.

As a youth, I ran, yet I did not exist in a sense. 19 years passed. Today, I exist in one sense because I must run. Perhaps I run to escape the futility of my existence. Perhaps not. In either case, this blog, or whatever it is, will serve to chronicle my training as a runner, my development as a man, and ultimately my demise as a human, because all things pass, fade, retreat into the horizon--and while we run, as we run, the mirage that is the shimmering, glimmering future continues to assert itself just out of reach. And yet, as this picture up above connotes, it may still be beautiful. And so the question may be what is IT? What is it? What is IT?
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