5.2 4 miles easy.
5.3 Very Short workout--I had to get my kids. Track workout. 1 mile warm up. 4 by 400's with about 60 meter recovery jog (25 seconds rest); 400m recovery jog; then 4 by 200's with about 60 meter recovery jog (25 seconds rest. .85 cool down. 4 miles total. 66, 71, 69, 71; 33,33,33,33.
Short decent workout. Very short rest. I dont know--Im tapering this week and recovering.
5.4 7 miles outside in 52 minutes.
For the first time in weeks, I've actually cut down the miles and NOT raced on my supposed easy days. I feel good.
5.5 4 miles outside in 29:53 with 6 100m strides.
5.6 3 miles easy outside.
5.7 2 mile warm-up. Children's Museum 5k in 16:10 (3rd place). 2 mile cool down. I was so nervous for this race I couldnt believe it. I was in the mix with Jim Johnson, the winner, and was actually leading him for the first 1.5 miles, so I know I am in his league, but simply dont have the right mindset.
He spoke to me afterwards and he gave me great pointers about training and look at racing differently. He is a great guy and I appreciate meeting him. He is a great runner, too, so it is exciting to think I can push him a bit.
5.8 1 mile warm up. 16:05 Mom's on the Run 5k (1st place). 1 mile cool down. I think my time really was 16:03, but everyone's time was off by 2 seconds--weird. Anyhow, I ran alone for this race and I am very happy with the results. I definitely felt a little beat from yesterday, but I took Jim Johnson's advice and just did my best. Even though I was only 5 seconds or so faster than yesterday, I gained tons of confidence, because I did so on heavy legs whereas yesterday I was rested. Tomorrow starts a whole new style of training that will be better geared toward what's best for me. I'm also going to stop obsessing about racing. It isn't healthy and today proved I dont need to do it. I ran alone and tired from yesterday and ran faster--enough said pretty much.
3 mile pm--easy.
37 miles for the week with two nice 5k's
A blog about existence and running and one man's futile attempt to integrate the two.

As a youth, I ran, yet I did not exist in a sense. 19 years passed. Today, I exist in one sense because I must run. Perhaps I run to escape the futility of my existence. Perhaps not. In either case, this blog, or whatever it is, will serve to chronicle my training as a runner, my development as a man, and ultimately my demise as a human, because all things pass, fade, retreat into the horizon--and while we run, as we run, the mirage that is the shimmering, glimmering future continues to assert itself just out of reach. And yet, as this picture up above connotes, it may still be beautiful. And so the question may be what is IT? What is it? What is IT?
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